ZultanPhysics 5 min read
If you really believe that something nefarious happened in SCOTUS with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett, you have NOT been paying attention.
Ask yourself; How do you get your enemy to expend ammo? How do you eliminate twisted narratives? How do you show BALANCE in SCOTUS?
The lawful path reveals only if our judges actually respect the boundaries of law. People think any court can just take any case for any reason. Not true. The Supreme Court has a solemn and important duty. People barely understand their own founding documents and want to scream at SCOTUS because "they don't care about the Constitution!". Well how do you know if you don't actually know what your constitution says? In fact, the court ruled appropriately, in my opinion. You have to understand not just the Constitution and our other founding documents, but you have to have a strong understanding of the lasting (precedential) impact of SCOTUS. Do you really want SCOTUS to be the end all of every election?
There is most certainly fraud. However, fraud must first be proven in a court. Typically that is done at the state level. Evidence is usually not so widespread throughout the public prior to a court case in order to prevent bias and overall corruption of evidence. I am pointing fingers at state courts. These circuit judges have defiled their duties from the bench. As a federal circuit court judge there is a great deal of latitude for them to make decisions on hearing cases and what kind of cases can be brought before them. Jurisdiction and merit are the two criteria. Evidence suggests the merits are solid. Jurisdiction is only important, because there is a process to follow when submitting your case. It goes in this order.
1. Federal Circuit Court -Appeal 2. Federal Appellate Court -Appeal 3. SCOTUS
For SCOTUS to have original jurisdiction requires a couple of criteria be met; It must be a case affecting ambassadors and public officials, ministers, consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party. In all other cases, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both in law and in fact. This means that the appellate courts must be approached with the case before it can be appealed to the SCOTUS.
I had a discussion with several people about this case and helped them understand that it was doomed from go. Do I feel as though SCOTUS should have at least heard the case? NOPE! It would have been a waste of time and even Justice Thomas, one of my heroes, specifically stated that he would not have granted remedy. You see it would have been a waste of time with the exception of finally presenting the hundreds of evidentiary exhibits. Remember what I said about tainting evidence? The biggest problem here is that people generally do NOT understand law nor the courts. It is OUR failure for not understanding the very systems that bind our lives.
Ask yourself how well you understand these processes. Then ask yourself how important it is to understand these systems. I can answer those two for the vast majority of Americans. We have been lazy and apathetic toward our civic duties. That ends now. People need to sit down with their founding documents, gather their families, and read and discuss them. I don't assume anyone would do what I do to understand law. I did not go to law school and I am not an attorney. I do this so I understand what is happening and to prepare myself for whatever may come my way. My understanding is not refined like an attorney would be, but even this basic knowledge makes a world of difference in my responses to the goings on in my country.
The only way we can properly secure our Republic is if people understand how and why our republic was founded and the systems put in place to maintain it. This is the greatest and most free country in the world. SCOTUS has everything to do with that. We would have fallen long ago if it wasn't for SCOTUS protecting the law of the land. They have had their hiccups for sure, but the whole of the institution is paramount to the success of our nation. Stop bashing them. If you don't know a damn thing about the system, you don't get to critique it.
As for all those politicians and even lawyers that disagree with my assessment, I'd like to understand why my assessment is wrong. A legal chat would be better than simply blowing me off. I am an American Patriot and I want to know stuff. I have a duty and I take
it very seriously. My duty is to inform and support my fellow Patriots in any way I can. I would appreciate any help or criticism I can get. It makes me stronger and wiser. I know this thread may have rubbed some people wrong, but this is meant as shared info, not narrative.
It is not my place to tell you what to do, how or where to do it, or even tell you why you should do it. You do you. However, if your head exploded and your heart stopped when SCOTUS denied hearing the Texas case, you should heed my advice. Educate yourself. Read and breathe.
These are hard days for anyone who truly loves this country. If you arm yourself with knowledge, these blows are much easier to take. I cannot offer any solace to anyone regarding the courts. Unfortunately, the courts are a broken and bleeding body. The corruption is deep.
Still, do not be discouraged. Do not be dismayed. We have known from the beginning that our enemy is at the levers of power. This is an aspect of the information war that has been looked over and set aside. Perhaps it is time to refocus and get back in the fight. All you defeatists should just go back to normal life. Turn off the TV. Get off of twitter and facebook. Turn off the news talk radio. Go bake with your kids. Cuddle with your spouse and watch a movie. If your mode now is set to whining and complaining, you must leave. I don't mean to be rude. You will simply be in our way and dragging more people into your pit of despair. We need every living and breathing Patriotic soul in this fight and engaged fully. If you are weary, take time away and pray. We understand and we will watch your post. We do this together or we fail.
We are all frustrated and angry. You are not alone. The return to civic engagement is upon us. Warriors of Truth are coming out of the woodwork. Have faith in God and your fellow Americans. We The People are more united than you know.
This is Good vs Evil.
Please focus and pray.
Do not give up. Do not dismay. Do not back down. DO NOT SURRENDER!
We are Americans and we do not close our eyes and HOPE evil goes away. We don't cry in the corner.
Americans #FightLikeAFlynn for God and Country.
May God bless us all in these dark days and show us His path to light.