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Patriots Must Hold On

Blunt Force Truth @BluntForceTrut1

Half the country, fueled by the media, assumed President Trump was guilty before he was ever elected. Barack Obama spied on him long before he ever ran for president.

Trump was brought out like a sacrificial lamb by the MSM and nicely disposed of us, the Digital Soldiers an enemy of the people. False statements and press leaks about Our President circulated the globe.

The official lie is created and the media takes it from there. The glitter of official lies and the epic splendor of the Mueller Investigation confuse the eye and confound the understanding. Hitler said: "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it."

So they paint Trump as a crazed, Racist man who wanted attention and was in it to make money, yet he's not cashed a paycheck to date, and lost a third of his personal wealth to fulfill a promise not to do any new international business.

Four years later, Trump has delivered time and time again for no charge, whose commitment to change and peace in the Middle East the Military Industrial Complex called him dangerous to those committed to war.

We've all become Hamlets in our country, children of a slain father-leader whose killers still possess the throne. Upholding the Republic is at the heart of the American Dream.

Trump forced on us the appalling questions: Of what is our Constitution made? What are our lives worth? What is the future of a democracy... where a President can be politically assassinated under suspicious circumstances of a fraudulent election

All the while the machinery of legal action scarcely trembles? How many more political takedowns disguised as Fake News Scandals, suicides, MSM media Blackouts on Biden Corrupt Crime Family?

How long before they are exposed for what they are? "Treason doth never prosper," wrote an English poet. What we have here is plainly Conspiratory Sedition.

"What's the reason?"

"For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." Wrote the Poet

The American public has yet to see all the declassified documents. Why?

The American public has yet to see the guilty held accountable. Why?

Hundreds of documents could help prove this conspiracy. Why are they being withheld or burned by the government? When I write about them, to We the People, asked those questions, demanded evidence. the answer from on high has always been: national security.

What kind of national security do we have when we're robbed of our leaders? What national security permits the removal of fundamental power from We the People, and validates the ascendancy of an invisible Shadow government in the US?

That kind of national security is when it smells like it, feels like it, and looks like it, you call it what it is: Fascism! I submit to you that what took place on November 22, 1963 was a coup d'état.

Its most direct and tragic result was the reversal of Kennedy's decision to withdraw from Vietnam. War is the biggest business in America worth $800 billion a year.

Jack Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy planned at the highest levels of our government carried out by fanatical and disciplined cold warriors, in the Pentagon & CIA's covert-operation apparatus.

It was a public execution, and it was covered up by like-minded people in the DPD, the Secret Service, the FBl, and the White House, up to and including J. Edgar Hoover, and Lyndon Johnson, who were accomplices after the fact.

The Political assassination reduced Our President to a transient official. His job is to speak as often as possible of the Republic's desire for peace, while the Swamp act as a business agent in the Congress, for the military and their contractors.

Some people say I'm crazy. Southern caricature seeking attention. There's a simple way to determine if I am paranoid. Ask the two men who profited most from the political assassination of Our President! Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

The cover up is always worse than the crime. Don't think so? Why are there unreleased CIA documents pertaining to Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby, that haven't been seen to this day, and never will be seen.

The secret CIA memo of Oswald's activities in Russia that was destroyed while being photocopied. These documents are yours, John Q Public, the people's property. We pay for it. But as the government sees us all as children who might be too disturbed to face this reality.

Why do they refuse to let us see the Fast and the furious documents? They don't think we can handle it or is it because you might lynch those involved. You cannot see these documents for another 75 years.

I'm in my 80's so I'll have shuffled off the 3rd Rock" by then. But I'm telling my eight-year-old great grandson to keep himself physically fit, so that one glorious September morning, in 2075 he can go to the National Archives and learn what the CIA and FBI really knew.

They may push it back then. It may become a generational affair. Questions passed from parent to child. But someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. We better.

Or we might just as well build ourselves another government like the Declaration of Independence says to, when the old one don't work. Just a bit farther out West.

An American naturalist wrote: "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government." I never thought I'd see where we are today.

Some of us have seen evidence the public hasn't seen. Going back to when I was a kid, when we believed there was a right and wrong I think most of us felt the same way that justice came automatically. How naive were we.

That virtue was its own reward, that good triumphs over evil, living in the innocence of a child. But as we get older we know this isn't true. Individual human beings have to create justice, and this is not easy, because the truth often poses a threat to power.

And one often has to fight power at great risk to themselves. People like Donald Trump, General Flynn, Sidney Powell, L. Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and Jenna Ellis have all taken that risk and they've all come forward. I personally have thousands in Pacer Fees to shine light on documents

Others have sacrificed everything including their lives, like Seth Rich. Ty Cleveger has spent a ton to try and expose what Seth gave his life for. Why? Because he dared to care and crossed the left.

People want know the truth. Because they want their country back. Because it still belongs to us as long as the people have the guts to fight for what they believe in. The truth is the most important value we have because if it doesn't endure we are done.

Because if the government murders truth, if we cannot respect these people, then this is not the country I was born in, or the country I want to die in. Lord Alfred Tennyson wrote: "Authority forgets a dying king."

This is never more true than for President Trump who the Swamp constant attempt at a coup d'état is probably one of the most terrible moments in the history of our country aside from the Shooting of Jack Kennedy.

We, the people, represent the hope of humanity against government power. In discharging your duty as a Patriot to defend Our country against all enemies foreign and domestic, remember Jack's words "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."

Do not forget, your dying king. Show this world this is still a government "of the people, for the people and by the people." Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important. It's up to you. Stand up and Stop the Steal.

We believe there was a conspiracy. Do you agree that this is a full vindication of the Mueller Report, but they keep on with Russia Russia Russia. This only proves you cannot run an investigation questioning the intelligence operations of the US government.

People claim you're unfit to hold office that you've ruined Biden's reputation, what reputation? He's been on the government till his entire life. I will not give up trying to expose these criminals, until my last breath. I owe it to my country and I owe it to President Donald J. Trump.

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