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Updated: Dec 21, 2020

To all of my fellow Patriots, In the coming hours and days, things may get a bit chaotic. I want to be sure that you all remember that you MUST STAND FIRM! You must be prepared. You must be humble and you MUST PRAY!

We have already seen the preparations for the backlash when it is announced that Joe Biden lost the election. Even more, because the media painted election fraud as a phantom, many people will believe that evidence was "conjured" or "fabricated". Some will reject it.

We are all acutely aware of the paramilitary forces that the likes of BLM and Antifa represent. They were formed under the guise of "social justice pioneers". There are members of those organizations that truly want to believe their intent is magnanimous and not sinister.

The reality, however, is exactly what you have seen. As the peaceful protests turned into massive riots, the true intention of these organizations came to light. They burned buildings, murdered innocent people, and ruined countless lives while terrorizing the streets unchecked.

They were formed as a violent collective of many types of sociopaths, nihilists, and anarchists. It is truly remarkable how similar they appear in look and dress. They are cowards inside and only stand when surrounded by their like minded and frothy mouthed "comrades".

Some of these communists and anarchists have the will to destroy and will not hesitate to cause harm to persons and property. Some of them SEEK to do harm. Remember the way that Kyle was "hunted" on the night of his near assassination? This is the tactics of a murderous mob.

There are other factions at play here. Even remaining cells of ISIS within the US have banded with these thugs. Be aware that the enemy has embedded itself deeply here in our blessed land. See something, say something. Question everything and think critically. Be prepared.

We must be vigilant. Pray for God to keep you vigilant and to give you heightened awareness. Pray for His protection for all of His innocent children. Let Him be your rock and your fortress.

Most of all, DO NOT BE AFRAID! These are some dark days we have ahead of us, but if you look past them and into the eyes of God, then you will see the light. You will see our path to victory and you will not abide in fear. Let your troubles fall on His infinite mercy.

You see, [They] are using a playbook that has been known all along. In fact, it has been used dozens of times throughout history.

One only needs to know and understand history to avoid its recurrence. Place the right people in the right places and *POOF* no repeating history.

Trust in the plan and know that systems are in place to make this swift and end with minimal collateral damage.

Our amazing military have been preparing for these days for years and understand that they know what they are fighting for. Believe me when I say it isn't communism.

There is a caveat to all of this. A favor, if I may ask one of my fellow Anons and Patriots. Stay with me here and read to the end. Don't get all emo on me before you see where this is going.

Let us not delight in the demise of our enemies.

Do not gloat.

You see the reward for us is in the sweet release of FREEDOM. The boot of the oppressors removed from our collective throats. Look at what they have done to corrupt humanity.

From LITERAL BRAINWASHING through the FAKE NEWS MEDIA (wizards of Medes or Mejai), the enemy of the people, to poisoning our bodies with ineffective therapeutics that makes us sicker and require yet more therapeutics. From politics to finance and everything in between, a very small group of people have collaborated to keep humanity enslaved in crippling debt, ever growing needs, and no means to provide. This should not be a reality in the land of milk and honey. They stole all the milk and honey and left us with stale bread and stagnant water.

We broke that cycle. We broke their spell. Let us gloat about that instead. Let's give the glory to God that He showed us the way and the light. Let's give thanks that he helped us to cast out these lies and deceit by His will and by His guidance.

Give thanks that through collective prayer and the resounding outcry of pleadings and begging for mercy that He showed us the way. Thank God for hearing us and delivering us. If you ask of Him, he will deliver upon you all that you truly need. Remember Romans 8:37-39

Many will ask that you celebrate the demise of those whom you have fought long and hard.

Don't fall into the trap of vengeance.

Instead show them that they should be celebrating our success, our victory, and the sweet release of a job well done. Mission accomplished. Have compassion for and help those who were mislead by evil. It's our duty to shed light and truth, but not to judge. Stay in prayer and faith.

Warriors of Light and Truth are a very real thing. We Digital Soldiers are those warriors and by God's command, we will reveal the truth for the world to see. The truth can not be concealed.

God commands it. Luke 12:2-3

We will be God's voice for those who can not hear Him. That is our charge. That is our duty. Behold what has been done by God's will. The devil has been revealed. The demons have been revealed. The devil servants and schemes revealed. Piles of evidence emerge from hiding.

The devil's entire scheme and even misdeeds of the past have been revealed for all who are willing to see. We have been brought together as a collective to bring the dots together and the conclusions to the public. God needs us informed. Otherwise we are susceptible to the devil.

Make no mistake Brothers and Sisters, we were brought here for this time. We were collected in this place and by God's will, we have but one purpose... TRUTH.

Our Lord put it in each one of us the will to seek out His light which is truth. All of these worldly distractions are of the devil's making. He means to blind us to true purpose. He means to poison our minds with doubt, worry, and concern. He means to dull the light. He can't.

The choice to know will be yours. The truth is learned, never told. Much of what we know can not be shared publicly. Many patriots know this. You must be able to ascertain why. Is Human Trafficking and corruption not enough? Crimes against humanity? Not everyone needs to see EVERYTHING.

Please consider your words as you are speaking to people while they are being shocked awake. We have a responsibility to these people. Remember the effect of years in the rabbit hole. How many of you are unaffected? Sheeple are about to fall to the bottom all at once.

Many normies will be frightened. Many more will be lost in the whirlwind. We have been seasoned by fire in the deepest depths of the rabbit hole for years now. Consider what it took for you to get here and all that you endured. We have a tendency to overwhelm each other. Careful.

God will only give us what we can handle. Other humans on the other hand, show far less concern for the effect of our efforts toward each other. Let God reveal the hard truths for people. Let's stick to the simple to grasp concepts and easily provable facts. Be kind and think.

The best advice that I can give patriots, as they find themselves inundated by all the people who love them but thought them crazy, is to pray for them. Pray for your own discernment and guidance. That He will show you the path that will best lead them to the light of truth.

Isn't God's plan glorious? Even after we allowed ourselves to be so corrupted, He shows us His infinite mercy and guides us immediately back to the path of light. We all have penance to pay. We are not perfect and Lord God forgive us. We should pray for the souls of our enemies.

That is what defines us you see. It is not about how we treat our friends. It is all about how we treat our enemies. We must pray for them. Rise above the hatred and vengeance. We are so much better than hatred and vengeance. We simply want JUSTICE!

Cheer for justice, but as I sit here and consider my own positions on executions and weigh them against God's will, I don't really feel comfortable with cheering for those. They should happen, I will leave the judgement to God. Celebrate that they will never harm another soul.

I love you Patriots. I hope you have refilled your popcorn and drinks, buckled your seatbelt, placed tray tables and chairs in the upright positions, and you have one heck of a grip, because this ride is about to get really bumpy.

May God come into and surround us. May he shine our Armor of God with the light of His grace and Mercy. May we walk in His righteousness, by His will and for His glory all the days of our lives.

Amen God Bless and keep you Patriots.

Where We Go One We Go All For God and Country.

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