Let's talk about January 6th. A few weeks ago I was given information, I would not even discuss it unless I could corroborate it. I have now received corroboration from three different people in two different agencies. I won't name the people or the agencies.
Violence had been planned for weeks prior to the election, violence to occupy the White House and the surrounding area to demand president Trump leave after he was re-elected. These plans were well known and were prepared for well in advance.
"massive march, protest, riot"
I'm hearing some disturbing things now. The Dems/DS intend to "Take" the election. They know they can't win, they know the vast public opinion is against them. So they intend to just take it, claim they won.
They do not have access like they did when Obama was in power. Their control over the fraudulent voting mechanisms, satellites, rigged voting machines, mail in voting, etc. Is Much less than in 2016/18. Pres.Trump is doing a great job at cutting off their schemes.
So they intend to just "take the election". On election Day and night if their comrades in the mainstream media are going to report that they won. They are just going to flat-out report incorrect numbers to solidify in everyone's mind that the Dems won.
They will use every means of illegal voting scams to back this up. They intend to intimidate and destroy Republican votes anywhere they possibly can. They want to rush their "newly elected" people into office with very fast local swearing in ceremonies. Just like Obama's BS
"office of the president elect" stunt. They will officially Not acknowledge any results that doesn't benefit them and challenge anything else they can.
And they will support and encourage riding as a means to enforce there newly elected officials. They also intend to declare the presidential election for themselves, with the MSM backing it up on every channel 24/7. And they will lead a massive march,protest,riot.
To the White House to remove President Trump. If he would not be removed they intend to have their president address the nation from Congress. And their president will run the country from Congress.
The MSM will not allow President Trump any air time and will block everything possible from being communicated from the rightful president.
This is bad. The riots, the taking over of police stations, shutting down and ceiling off federal buildings, this is their practice run for what happens the day after the election.
The riots have quieted down right now but that is by design. Untold millions are flowing into these groups and they are stockpiling right now. Round two is coming, bigger, more violent, more focused, and able to hold out for months.
They are being directed and supported by hostile foreign governments and leftover Deep State players within our own government.
They do not care if the economy is crashed, if people are out of work, they welcome the violence. They want the violence, that is part of their plan. If there is a great deal of violence their new president or ask foreign Govs to help establish order.
I have also heard but they will not declare a vice presidential running mate for Biden, at least not officially, because if things go their way and they have him as their phony president Nancy Pelosi will be announced after the election as the vice president.
They cannot win, they do not care about any of us or the country, they have shown how they welcomed, promote and celebrate violence against us. they know that prosecution's are about to start and after another four years of President Trump's successes
They will be in prison and their party destroyed forever. They are fighting for their survival and the law does not apply to them.
I've gotten this from several sources now. Supplies online MRE, survival food, are being bought out, so they can last for months. It is extremely well-financed well-planned and directed by hostile foreign and internal actors.
What we had hoped and prayed Mightily would never happen, could be just a few weeks away.
Defend yourselves and your loved ones, support the president and those that support him and our country, protect a document your vote, be as prepared as possible for a couple weeks surrounding the election.
Hold your Oath in Mind, Keep the LORD within your heart, and Pray with all of us that their plans fail.
Ok, some questions have popped up. The Deep State controls over half the court system in this country. They have compromised a large portion of other judges. They control the media, the internet, and most means of modern communication.
They can shut it down if they want. They want covid-19 , riots, whatever the case may be, they want everyone lockdown at home until after they attemp to take the government. That's why they refuse to open schools.
There are numerous DS supporters within the military/ Intel community who will help them take over, issue contradicting orders and statements. All designed to delay and confuse until their plans take effect.
They anticipate a reaction, they welcome the violence. They want President Trump to enact martial law, they will then say the fraudulent president has taken the White House hostage and is holding our country hostage.
It is already racist and illegal to defend Ourselves, it will only get worse closer to the election and immediately afterwards if they attempt any of this.
They want us quiet, cut off from communications, afraid to act, locked in our homes and weakened. until they say it's safe to come out into their brave New world that they control 100% of everything.
JULY 22, 2020
Ultimately they cannot/will not succeed. I'm thinking of the damage they will cause if they try. They hate us, President Trump, and the country, and don't care if it's destroyed on any level.The destruction weakens the US in the eyes of the world and they consider it a victory
JULY 24, 2020
Replying to @Johnheretohelp HERE IT IS ... Quote Tweet CBS News @CBSNews · Jul 24, 2020 What happens if the president doesn't accept the election results? https://cbsn.ws/32VZXx8 6:55 PM · Jul 24, 2020·Twitter Web App Jul 24, 2020 John Replying to @jj_talking The comments on that page are telling!
And more... https://t.co/l9TXJSZDeo?amp=1
JULY 27, 2020
Ok, when is enough enough? The order has been given today. The riots, destruction, and violence we see daily on the news is becoming more focused, Antifa/BLM have been issued orders for the upcoming election. These orders have come through the Balt/DC branches.
Orders have been given to these street-level terrorists to interfere with the upcoming Election. The orders given include, destruction and arson of known polling places in advance of voting times.
The surveillance of known polling places to surveil polling judges. They want pictures of the judges and tag numbers. They intend to find their home addresses.
Orders have been given to block polling locations, cause destruction to those locations, harass and intimidate anyone going to those locations to vote.
Record pictures of their faces, tag numbers in the parking lots, to find their addresses. Loud violent intimidating protests are to be held in as many locations as possible to dissuade persons from voting.
1*If your numbers don't permit an effective protest at your local polling venue. Then video / pics of everyone who enters/identifying marks /tag numbers are needed. Disabling of vehicles is not encouraged as a way to stop improper voting*
2*The police are NOT there for your safety. They are there to protect white votes. Document any and all police, badge numbers, faces are important, car numbers, personal cars and license plates are needed.*
Those sure sound like a threat and election interference to me. Is that illegal anymore?
MAY 4th 2021 ccontinued...
The DS Dems, managed to steal the election and take the office. So instead of a riot to remove president Trump they wanted an "insurrection" to solidify their win and guarantee no one could question the election results.
The people were already in place for a riot they changed the name to "insurrection" and they did everything they could to ensure a bloodbath. Ordering the national guard to stand down, DC police ordered elsewhere or their forces cut, Capital police not only ordered but helping rioters gain access to the Capitol. Heavy machine guns were requested by the speaker and denied. And many more examples. They wanted a massacre, they wanted a deadly insurrection to solidify their illegal "win".
Ask yourself a question. We've seen these rioters for a year now, burning and destroying. Attacking people and officers all over the country. Why weren't they violent like that on January 6th? Is it because the fix was in and they knew someone was going to be killed?
The word had been passed down that there were going to be deaths and none of them wanted to go first.
What information did my three contacts pass on? First, it was the speaker who was directing all activities for the insurrection both before and afterwards Second, they had the help and the knowledge of the vice president, Pence. He was aware of their plans prior to the election and helped all along. He is being promoted for president as his reward. Speaker tried for a massacre, ordering heavy weapons, opening up the capital for attack, waiting for the violence to kick off. They were hoping that during an "occupation" when it got dark that violence and death in the streets would occur. However President Trump stepped in an made a televised plea for everyone to leave. The DS/Dems, Speaker so their window of opportunity closing. They needed death.
A flurry of phone calls and text messages went out. Staff members in the capital we're reporting what they saw to the speakers staff and it was being relayed to the private security the speaker had. Cause and messages went out to the "go betweens", The operatives hidden in the bLM/pantifa movement. Something needed to be done before the opportunity was lost and President Trump was given credit for diffusing the situation.
Ashli Babbitt - I've been wondering around the capitol for quite some time. Non-violent just exploring and observing. Orders were given for the operatives to find someone that they could "sacrifice". So these operatives found someone they could manipulate and they led her to slaughter. Look at AB's steps through the capitol. Just wondering around observing. Until she was approached by these people and led upstairs to the gauntlet. Once they had her it was a beeline upstairs, it was the speaker who told her private security detail to use deadly force when the doors to the speakers area were breached. If you look at the shooting video. You will see them waiting until AB gets in the door. Everyone else in that hallway was an operative.
On the video several times they approach the doors that are being breached, several times they back away until they have confirmation that she, AB, is the one. When AB stood in the door they backed off, received confirmation to use deadly force from the speaker again, and fired.
I have been told that the actual shooter is not a capital police officer but someone who looks very similar to him, notice the hairline very distinctive, and that the actual shooter was a member of the speaker's private security detail and has been rewarded since for his silence.
At this point they had their death and they secured the area just seconds after she was shot. With armed officers on both sides why couldn't they have secured it seconds before? AB was in a squeeze play and didn't realize it.
The FB-I SWOOPED all phone, text, email records, of everyone involved, including elected officials in their staff. FB-I was able to secure all communication records and no one has seen them since. The FB-I is now using this as extreme leverage on their part. They now have the private communications of our elected officials and their staff planning the insurrection and murder of a young woman. And they will not give up their leverage. At this point the FBI is an autonomous agency able to do anything they want. Ignore any law violate any right with impunity. The speaker and the false president must support everything they do without question or the false presidency comes tumbling down if these records come out. The FB-I is putting on a continuous show of looking for people involved in January 6th as a constant reminder to those in power that they actually hold the keys to everything.
I was able to confirm that these phone records, text, Etc. Have been sifted through and a minute by minute account of the so-called insurrection from well before anything occurred, until well after her death, is available, and damning.
PART TWO: The information that has been sifted through and pieced together shows a minute by minute planning and execution of the insurrection and murder by The speaker of the House her staff her private security and other members of the House as well as operatives that they control. The FB-I we'll keep looking for people involved with January 6th forever. An open investigation they don't have to supply any information for. Ms. Babbitt, as an actual Trump supporter was chosen and led upstairs, completely surrounded by operatives, and executed so the DS could have their bloody insurrection, blame President Trump, and solidify their stolen win. They are wholly responsible for it. And they are using it to this day citing it as the worst attack on our Liberty ever. When they are the true planners. The agents that passed this information on also passed on a threat. Not to me but to anyone on the "wrong side of this". The wrong side would be anyone trying to expose this as it would destroy their phony president and remove them from power.
There is no threat that they won't carry out and there is no deed they won't do to maintain their stolen power. You can see the extremes they go to every day to destroy this country. It will only get worse. They're hanging on by their fingernails and will remove any threat to their stolen power. Please pray for Ms Babbitt, and others who lost their lives that day. Please include our country as a whole and everyone in it. And for those few people fighting to get the truth out. Thank you!
Just for clarification: Other people were approached just like Ashli Babbitt, to be led upstairs. This is why the FB-I is looking for MAGA Grandma's teenage girls, ETC. They want to find the other people who were approached like AB before they realize what actually occurred.
Well, I've beaten my personal best for death threats with this thread let's go for an "all time" record. Yes, I know I could use this information to benefit myself. I could have begged donations, manipulated it, even stayed silent to benefit my upcoming election.
But that would make me know better than the people who committed this horrendous Act. No better than most of them in DC. I put it out for the people to benefit the country as a whole whether it hurts me or not. Others have done much more I'm only paying a debt that I already owe.
Now, let's go for that record. The FB-I is hunting down anyone involved in January 6th to control the narrative. They want those people terrified of even speaking out or being recognized. As I mentioned other people were approached like Ashli Babbitt. If those people were to be found and they told their story, their whole narrative falls apart. Because she wasn't up there being aggressive, she was led up there after they approached several other people who didn't go for it. The speaker has her own secret police force. Loyal only to her and completely protected. They are not shy about it. She is not shy about letting people know that she controls life and death in that building. They are not shy about showing their loyalty to her.
These are people in different departments different agencies. But they do like to show off their connection and involvement in her secret police. It's a status symbol and they brag about it, they flash it because it's a secret and powerful club.